lactose vs. lactase: what's the difference?

lactose vs. lactase: what's the difference?

Although lactose and lactase look and sound very similar, they serve two completely different functions. For all of our lactose intolerant people out there who are tired of confusing lactose and lactase, this one’s for you. 

What is lactose? 

Lactose is a sugar commonly found in milk and milk products. More specifically, lactose is a carbohydrate-sugar that serves as an energy source for the body. It’s most well-known for its presence in milk and dairy products such as butter, cheese, ice cream, etc. 

What is lactase? 

Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Lactase splits the milk sugar lactose to produce the sugars glucose and galactose. Some people’s bodies don’t make enough lactase so they’re not able to digest milk well - this is referred to as lactose intolerance. Taking a supplement with lactase helps break down lactose and is effective for people with lactose intolerance because it aids in the ability to properly digest the sugar.

The differences: 

Lactose is a carbohydrate-sugar while lactase is a protein. Lactose is taken in from outside the body through dairy products, but lactase is naturally produced inside of our bodies. Lactose is made up of simple sugars, but lactase is made up of amino acid chains. Most importantly, lactase, not lactose, is in our Super Greens products so lactose intolerant people have nothing to worry about.

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